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Posthuman Studies Lab

Magda Vicini

Nature Artwork

MAGDA VICINI - Magda Vicini - post-doctoral student at Núcleo Diversitas (USP), PhD in
Communication and Semiotics from PUC (SP), Master in Education, Art and History of
Culture. Professor and researcher at the Federal Institute of Paraná Campus Palmas.

The time fragmentation/unification/relativization

Art as existential posthumanism is constant transformation and revelation of multiple others
that are there. It is the "being there", the "dasein", (Heidegger, Gadamer, Indigenous
perspectivism, reciprocity) whose existence is modified as an aesthetic experience - there it is,
there one lives, one lives together.
This artwork is called "Time".
In the clock world, time is not fully perceived. The clock "measures" the hours of our time. But
we don't perceive time, perhaps because we "measure" time. And this same time is happening
in the visible and invisible world ... each one in his time: "[...] time to plant, time to sow, time
to reap [...]" (Ecclesiastes, 3). Nature time experienced by the Kaingang indigenous
communities (Paraná, Brazil): time of the sun, the moon, the earth, the water, the wind, the
clouds, the cooking, the cooling, the boiling, the fire, the hunting, the fishing ... everything has
a meaning and a time of existence.
Time of illness and time of cure, which is measured microscopically, but is similar to the time
of the indigenous nature... we do not have absolute control. Everything has a meaning and a
time of existence.
Earth time, planet time, star time, meteor time, satellite time, whose time distances are
measured in a macroscopic world.
The meaning of each time is defined by human beings, in clock time.
The meaning of each time is defined by beings of nature (including human beings) in the time
of the original peoples.
From the possible micro and macro world, time reveals itself in different ways
The cosmological space reveals the expansion of rational and technological thinking on the
planet under a white, capitalist and socialism vision; the cosmological space of the original
peoples reveals the introspection of perspectivist thinking, intuitive to survival, coexistence,
reciprocity, in Oceania, Asia, North, Central and South America; Europe, Africa.
Hearing the time, feeling the time, being present in all human power when the sun rises, until
the sun sets. Read the stars, the moon, the wind, the waters, the forest, the animals.
Observed by technologies at all times, we are satellites, microscopes, of a planet earth of many
differences, diversities.
I feel these worlds coming closer, for healing, for sadness, for emptiness, for hope, for love, for
the need to survive

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