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Light Threads the Tunnel/Forgetting

Veda Thozhur Kolleri

'Light Threads the Tunnel/Forgetting,' uses footage of materials mixing, merging, and melting into one another, interspersed with visuals of light, breath, and water in order to evoke the visions and sensations of recovery in the form of a structureless, vivid dream.

This video is part of a larger body of work which includes drawings of organic objects formed by different processes - a termite infestation, natural growth, and weathering by the sea. Common to these objects is their deep crevices, indicated by the darkest lines in drawing. Sheets of glass, with line drawings engraved on them, held by iron stands, are placed over the drawings on paper. These lines are cast as shadows on the drawings. Two sets of drawings, one of the movement of the sea on a high tide over a duration of 7 minutes, the other of a termite infestation on a dead mushroom, are placed on light boxes to reveal the layers of time and depth that make up both processes. The title of the installation, Skin Stretched Tight Across a Frame, Punctured, refers to a disruptive event that produces a sense of loss after a seemingly stable and prolonged mode of existence and functioning.

The different elements of the installation together, intend to create an immersive environment that is largely composed of darkness, shadows, movement, stillness, reflections, and light.

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