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Tiny Domingos


Tiny Domingos is a Berlin based artist and researcher. His artistic practice combines space-related work and geophysical, economic and biological flows. Currently working on several interdisciplinary projects towards planetary health and new perspectives of reconnection with the living and the mineral.

His work has been presented at Bozar (Brussels), KW (Berlin), the Calouste Gulbenkian arts center (Rio de Janeiro) and Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, among others.

Artist in residence at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra (Italy) in 2019 and 2021. BeFantastic Fellow 2021 (India / Singapur). Fellow 2020 of the Department of Culture and European Affairs of the Berlin Senate.

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Hybrid Togetherness is simultaneously an artistic-philosophical concept, and a work-in-progress creative method that underlines the notion of a hybrid, plural and processual identity that is common to multicellular organisms in order to allow for a poetic and emotional reconnection with the living and non-living world. This project aims to build bridges outside the narrow field of art and invite all kinds of audiences to imagine alternative futures through art, poetry and play, regardless of their age, background or education.

Understanding hybridity and identity as a transformational process has all the potential to reduce the current fear of the future and to call for positive action for planetary health and futurity building.

Hand & Leaves is a series of videos and photographs within the framework of Hybrid Together. The series is inspired by the book "The life of plants : a metaphysics of mixture" by Emanuele Coccia 2019, first published in French as "La vie des plantes. Une métaphysique du mélange © Éditions Payot & Rivages, 2017".

The posthumanist perspective can contribute to the very urgent change of paradigms and to the invention of inclusive narratives in which everyone can feel welcome.

I have followed the activities of Francesca Ferrando with great interest. I participated in the last posthuman lab residency and I liked the experience. The theme was and is super inspiring: Limitrophy. The contact with Francesco's work came out of my own initiative: I am very interested in "Decentring the Human". My passion is geology and I think we would gain from looking at the world in a deeptime and deep future perspective. I followed Francesca's seminar series for artists at NYU. After that, I came across her talks in other seminars I was enrolled in. The last one was at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission in Ispra.

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