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Workshop/Study Group: How to Make Yourself a Wojak Without Organs

Updated: Oct 13, 2021

A workshop led by:

-Beyond Woke and Problematic

-Dank Deleuze

-Deleuze and Dragons

-Programmer and Organizer:

Sepideh Majidi (Foreign Objekt)

Meeting1: Saturday, Aug 14th. 10 am-1pm(PST)

Meeting 2: Sunday, Aug 15Th 10am- 1pm(PST)

Webinar Link to both Sessions:


For this two-day seminar, we will be reading three chapters from Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus.

Readings: Rhizome, Year Zero: Faciality, and How to Make Yourself a Body Without Organs.

Following a theoretical discussion, we will be making memes based on selected quotes from the texts and images sourced by convenors and participants.

Collaborative Space for sharing the memes:

Memes have no authors or several - and each of these is, as the sorcerous claim goes, quite the crowd. In some sense, to theorize the meme is always an act of participation with powers not strictly contained within the apparent subject, but to take on the properties of the immanent Other. When we say that we will collaborate on the meme, we are adding to an extant collaboration - whether we take the ‘formal’ meme (to follow the template and so on), or the thematic meme (not strictly a meme, but posted in a forum of memes), we act on and with the various machines that extend the system of strange jokes. The meme is not the world (or Word, Logos, etc), nor does it represent the world, it forms a rhizome with the world. Further, to return to authorship - the meme is anti-Oedipal in that it has no strict or possessive genealogy. The meme is a minor literature - deterritorializing, creating new powers in the socius, articulating new voices only in the assemblage. The rhizome is a book - the book is a rhizome.

Introduction to the Workshop

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pls, make it avaiable on yt!

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