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Andrés Milán Lara


Andrés Milán Lara is a writer, researcher, and artist residing in Bruxelles.

He has developed his interest in storytelling through different formats including, film, comics, literature, and scriptwriting. His range of jobs has gone from executive producer for Cartoon Network for Mexico and Colombia to independent documentary production for the group Discreantes. His graduating thesis from the Master in Linguistics and Literary studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels was about the use of A.I. as a tool for translating Mexican slang. This research developed into his current artistic-research practice at ADMA. He recently coursed the Autumn School of Curating in Rumania and is taking part in the Creative Manifesto for a Critical AI Future in the Centre d’art Santa Monica.


Technology and the Irrepresentability of the Personal

Translation works as an idea of retransmitting a desired discourse from one place to another; one language to another. Similar to the tools derived from Artificial Intelligence, during the process of addressing the AI, often there's a human intention, aspect, idea, that is not completely transmitted or gets lost in translation. The topic of my

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