Deadline: March 18
The Exhibition will take place in September 2023.
Programmers: Sepideh Majidi- David Roden- Maure Coise
Curator: Sepideh Majidi
Advisor: Reza Negarestani
Assistant to Curator Maure Coise
Organized by Foreign Objekt Posthuman Art Laboratory
Gallery and Presentation Spaces:
VIRTUAL: New Art City, Foreign Objekt, Posthuman Art Network
IRL: TheSpace.Gallery in collaboration with ROSALUX Gallery (Berlin )
About the exhibition: This project starts from the submission of a sound, a video, and a text. The goal is to give the sound production assignment in relation to the resident's research.
(Zero Ocean Collective)
Heading 4
The first, sketchy prototype of the agent—the “O0”—is an observer with an organic vessel constrained by self-organization, limited by her cognitive conditions and local ground on the terrestrial sphere. These conceptual grounds provide a space for the observer to reflect upon, and generate subjective and objective forms of realities, which might be simulations of the environment in which the agent inhabits.
The central relation between the O0 and the world brings about the possible existence of other centers into the narrative; many other centers, infinite vessels, capsules, containers, islands and agents, pure, composed, and self-contained, forever separate and invisible to one another, piling up and streaming in the fog. The fog is carrying them in the universal flux. The fog—what Kant demonstrated as a source of sensory perceptual illusion--fills the space between locals, blocking one from the other.
From here we go to relations between all these infinite locale/s, as they exist in many dimensions, and how each locale is harnessing and transforming this relational force and system to construct its local ground anew. (This is a very hellish space).
In the next stage, the agent, with the help of her particular transcendental structure--her available resources for navigation--discovers the movement of the vessel in the perilous space of the outside, without her protection shield or her current horizon of perception. The observer uses the transcendental structure to see herself back in the safe space of locale/s simultaneously, as it's already in the stream of locals.
In the following stage, the Observer--O0--understands the defect and the limitation of her local space or particular transcendental constitution.
She also discovers the possibility of expansion within the infinite.
From there, after the locals and spheres, we are introducing formal/inferential structures with sounds (mathematical models) to navigate the fog space. Also, we have the differential states of frequency as we progress into the abyss of fog/frequency.
By introducing these states-we can speculate on the conditions of the possibility of other forms of agents and aliens in a Kantian sense.
Prior to that, we are dealing with the space of locals in terms of monadic non-space. Here the edge is the mediation itself–-the agents with specific forms of intuition—in a Boltzmanian sense.
Exhibition Site in new Art city
Call for Exhibition and Research Network
Deadline: March 18
The Exhibition will take place in September 2023.
Programmers: Sepideh Majidi- David Roden- Maure Coise
Curator: Sepideh Majidi
Adviser: Reza Negarestani
Assistant to Curator: Maure Coise
Organizer: Foreign Objekt
David Roden, Martin E. Rosenberg, Maure Coise, Anna Longo, Reza Negarestani, Sepideh Majidi
The program is online and includes:
Sound Lab:
Each artist will have a lab space and a profile in New Art City, which will include:
-Video (MP4, MOV, M4V < 500 MB) or image (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF)
-A sound (MP3, WAV, AIF, M4A)
-Description: 400-600 words
-Short bio: 300 words and links
-Profile on Foreign Objekt and Posthuman Art Network
-Research proposal, bio, and artist image
-Access to exhibition spaces to document and shared works
Foreign Objekt Sound Laboratory
The Space. Gallery
New Art City
Posthuman Art Laboratory
-Inclusion in the residency and other laboratories
-Residency program includes diagramming/documentation of the process, reading groups, interactive workshops, study groups, laboratory experimentation, exhibitions, publications, and symposiums
-Weekly meetings/workshops with philosophers and scholars
-Opportunity to collaborate with other researchers, at:
Foreign Objekt Sound Laboratory
The Space. Gallery
New Art City
Posthuman Art Laboratory
Complex and Dynamic Systems Lab
Time Laboratory