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The Collective Voice at the Common Level

Simin Azarpour

My text consists of three parts, collective voice at the common level, suspension in an incorporeal event, full sound.

At the first part my emphasis is on the sound of the city, which is a collective sound. Considering the issues of the day and the protests in different places, the collective sound turns into a collective movement. And we can go through previous situations and reach new territories with this movement/sound.

In the following, I have examined the sound as an incorporeal event. We are in island that is full of sound/noise around us; We are surrounded by sounds. In fact, we are dealing with a complex system. In this conditions we encounter to various of voices that can be transformation of a closed system to an open system. In the following I will examine about the vibration that is connected to the sense and nervous system. What we hear is the result of kinetic energy and forces. Sounds create singular events that create new percept.

In the third part the two concepts of full sound and empty sound will be examined and the relationship between sound and time with regard to news, which is a non-philosophical event, but can be answered with the philosophical question of “what is news”. The main factor is the sound of new, the news is about current events, which is mostly transmitted to us in two ways, direct and indirect. The potential in sound is a type of vibrational energy. The full sound is connected to percept and sensation and they create a transformation in in us. This sound is on the infinite time, it is Aion time, and the empty sound, which is the dominant sound, is connected to the chronological time. The full sound takes us beyond the boundaries of dominant sound.

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